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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta sharing. Mostrar todas las entradas

21 mar 2016

Sean Tyas - Unleash (Alex Di Stefano Remix)

9 feb 2016

hacking demo

7 abr 2013

una percepcion diferente de la realidad por Almitamu de subdivx

Hoy otra vez, mis hijos, un forista de sdx a quien mandé mp de que iba a ayudar y le pregunté si quería venir y dijo de una que sí (al cual no lo menciono por si no quisiera ser mencionado) y yo, salimos a dar una mano.
El mayor fué por su lado, a ayudar a limpiar una casa en Ringuelet con otros compañeros de la facultad.
El forista, el menor y yo, salimos para el Rotary de 118 y 38, porque tenían donaciones para procesar y repartir. Y en mi caso no soy rotaria ni me interesa, pero si tienen cosas para quien lo necesita, a ayudar y punto.
Las donaciones:
la cantidad es apabullante. Hay de todo. En el caso del Rotary, además, ropa en perfecto estado y volúmenes importantes de lavandina, leche, prendas de vestir e increíblemente cantidades de sábanas y toallas, todo un recambio de un hotel alojamiento, en impecable estado de conservación e higiene.
La gente que da una mano:
mucha, muchos jóvenes, la verdad es que salen estudiantes de abajo de las baldosas y laburan sin cesar.
La presencia:
- Municipal: casi nula.
- Provincial y Nacional: considerable cantidad.
- Seguridad: te cruzás todo el tiempo con patrulleros, camiones y camionetas del Ejército y Prefectura con efectivos a rolete. En Plaza Paso, hace posta los bomberos. De Pilar, de Esteban Echeverría, de Brandsen, con unidades de perros para búsqueda de personas, esperando ahí que los llamen adonde los necesitan.
- Particulares que ponen el auto: pocos. Y es lo que más se necesita. Pero mientras sigan agitando las aguas con que ´´te roban en cada esquina´´, obvio, les echan flit. Y la verdad en que no te roban en cada esquina.
Descargamos en un pasamanos una donación de 700 paquetes de fideos guiseros de 1/2 kg. Y a última hora, llegó un camión lleno de mercadería que venía de distintos centros del GBA.
Ordenamos ropa, clasificamos mudas según edades, el forista se daba gran maña con las sábanas (distinguir de 1 plaza y 2 plazas) y luego nos dijeron si podíamos llevar un envío a 54 y 141, que era para dos familias. 4 adultos, 3 niños, armamos juegos y mudas, más la comida, agua y lavandina, y salimos a llevarlo. Nos tomó 1,30 hs. hacer el recorrido de ida y vuelta, pues las calles están cortadas al azar donde la gente intenta terminar de limpiar sus casas. Clase media alta, clase media y algunas de clase baja. NINGUN RANCHO, NINGUNA VILLA.
1,30 hs solo para abastecer a 2 familias.
Al regreso las donaciones en su mayoría seguían ahí, pues ya se venía la noche y como eran para 150 personas, no quisieron salir a repartirlas por temor al robo. El forista y yo salimos para 91 y 122 (al lado del Arroyo Maldonado, del lado del Palihue) con un envío para un geriátrico que tuvo medio metro de agua (medio metro para gente que está postrada, es la vida). Cargamos y nos cargaron el autito a full, pañales, ropa, sábanas y toallas para todos, lavandina, agua, artículos de aseo, alguna almohada... y quedaba poco sol. En el camino, mucha presencia de fuerzas de seguridad, y si bien nos movimos con prudencia, nadie nos paró, nadie nos amenazó ni nos cobró peaje o cosa similar. Vimos gomas quemadas, pero no había piquetes. También vimos al Ejército prendiendo fuego elementos desechados de los hogares inundados, pues siempre hay un pobre más pobre que el otro pobre, y queman todo lo descartado para que no se propalen enfermedades. Esa zona, sí es pobre.
Llegamos y en la puerta, había 2 oficiales del Ejército. Descargamos las cosas, firmaron el remito (nombre, dni, domicilio y detalle de lo que llevás, para devolver a la fuente de la donación) y una mujer del geriátrico nos pedía una procesadora, pues los ancianos no pueden comer esa comida si no está hecha papilla. Y no, procesadora no teníamos. Pero avisamos a los del Rotary para que les consigan.
El dueño del geriátrico, o encargado o lo que sea, totalmente fuera de lugar decía ´´Pero los colchones no llegan, acá el Ministerio no vino´´. A la pregunta si se había ido a anotar para pedir los colchones la respuesta es ´´no´´. Y hermano, si no te anotás qué querés, ¿que te lluevan los colchones? Le dijimos dónde anotarse y que fuera, que dado que los colchones son el bien más preciado, los mueven de ´´a´´ a ´´b´´ solo por pedido y en camiones del Ejército custodiados con armas. Que los fuera a pedir a la carpa de Presidencia de la Nación en 82 y 116.
El forista ví que tomó más contacto que yo con la situación de los ancianos -inclusive entró dentro del pabellón- , yo estaba con el tema del remito y el pedido de la procesadora. Realmente, al subir al auto, no le pregunté qué vió o qué le dijeron, llega un punto que se te agota el alma y no querés saber más.
Acá queda algo claro: las cosas están, la gente no puede ir a buscarlas, en el caso del Rotary los miembros de los barrios toman listados muy precisos (ropa de mujer, ropa de hombre, ropa de niña o de niño, cuántas personas, agua sí o agua no, pañales de adulto/ de niño, comida sí/no, etc.), dirección, persona de contacto, teléfono.
En el resto de los lugares las cosas están pero no sabés qué cornos llevar, qué necesitan, de qué sexo, de qué edad. Tampoco es lógico cargar camionetas y camiones con cosas que no sabés si son necesarias.
Se me ocurre que resulta urgente que pasen personas por los lugares afectados y levanten listados de necesidades y persona de contacto, además de dirección precisa. Eso, no está sucediendo.
No hay vehículos municipales a disposición para enviar las cosas. Sí provinciales y nacionales, pero están ocupados con sus cronogramas, lo mismo que los de partidos políticos.
Si las organizaciones (del tipo que sean, asistenciales, políticas, gubernamentales) no ponen vehículos, las donaciones están pero no llegan a quien las necesita.
La situación sigue siendo la de una zona de desastre. Volvió el agua y la luz a muchas zonas, pero todavía falta. 
Entonces, ¿cuál es la percepción errada de la realidad? 
Que no me importa si es Juan, Pedro o Diego, si usan remera, pechera, chaqueta o uniforme militar, pero lo necesario e imprescindible es que toda esa ayuda, que es gigante, llegue a destino.
Lo errado es creer que porque alguien use una remera, está mal que lleve cosas. Mierda, que las lleve como sea, a patadas si es necesario, pero que lleguen adonde tienen que llegar.
Los 700 paquetes de fideos pasarán la noche en el lugar donde estuvimos el forista, mi hijo menor y yo, y no en la panza de nadie, como así también las sábanas, las toallas, las prendas de vestir, la lavandina, la mercadería, los jabones, las velas. 
Esa es la realidad, la percepción concreta, lo que pudimos ver y no nos contó nadie.

Sería bueno que dejen de hacer una cuestión de quilombo con el tema de quién reparte y quién tiene puesto qué cosa.

Por favor, las cosas están, que lleguen a la gente. Basta de meter palos en la rueda.
En todo caso, si viven cerca y tienen un auto, acerquense y trasladen cosas.
De opinólogos, en esta oportunidad, estoy hasta la coronilla.
1818 18


23 feb 2013

#CISPA is back

Pls RT: #CISPA is back. Tell Congress & @BarackObama to protect your privacy. vía @demandprogress

14 feb 2013

LinuxCBT Ubuntu 12.04 LTS- tutorials

65kbps | Duration: 40 hrs | 1.96 GB Genre: OS & Programs, Ubu12x, E-Learning As a well-regarded derivative of Debian Linux, Ubuntu has emerged as a datacenter staple across-the-board. With the Long Term Support (LTS) strand, engineers are confident in their ability to forecast a longer outlook for their IT assets and interests. This is a welcomed derailment from the semi-annual update pace conducted by other distributions. Ubuntu appears to be the clear leader with respect to providing automated, long-term updates for our production instances. LinuxCBT Ubu12x Edition explores Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, covering general areas of concern for systems administrators.
rapidgator uploaded

11 feb 2013

It's official: CISPA is back

Noticia importante, please share!!

We just got the official word that CISPA is back.

CISPA would let corporations share all of your private, personal information with the government... with no restrictions.

Last year the bill passed the House in a whirlwind, before any of us had time to mount a real opposition. We ended up stopping it in the Senate, but we can't make the same mistake twice! Congress needs to hear a strong, clear message from Internet users. Immediately.

Click here to sign the petition to Stop CISPA!

Just as important as signing, share this petition on twitter and facebook:

This email, your love letters, your secrets and private conversations, your search and email history, what you say and do anywhere on the web.... All these things could become a part of a government file on you that everyone from the IRS to local police would have access to.

Sign the petition to Congress now. And forward this email to your friends, we all need to do everything we can to get the word out to stop this.

Thank you for helping!

-- Tiffiniy
Fight for the Future

P.S. We're going to take on this fight against CISPA and we're going to win, like we did last time. Please donate so we can play an active role in this fight. Your donation will go directly to campaigns to protect our privacy.

Oh by the way here's the invitation we got to the event to reintroduce CISPA... In case you'd like to go. :-)

10 feb 2013

imagenes para colorear

comparto una carpeta de imagenes de diversos personajes para colorear, para los mas peques: ejemplos Foto alojada por Foto alojada por Foto alojada por Foto alojada por link a la descarga

8 feb 2013

TPB.AFK.2013.480p.h264- la pelicula [Documental]

hoy es la fecha de estreno en todo el mundo aca esta con subtitulos y tambien se puede bajar de a disfrutar :D

20 oct 2012

Curso de Ingles - Vaughan 4.0 - Nivel Principiante intermedio y avanzado (ACTUALIZADO)

Curso de Ingles - Vaughan 4.0 - Nivel Principiante:
Aqui os dejo el fantástico curso de inglés de Vaughan. Personalmente lo estoy siguiendo y me va perfecto (voy por la clase 40). Eso si con muchas ganas porque es largo pero divertido si quieres! Fuente :
etiquetas: curso, ingles, vaughan, principiante

Curso de Ingles - Vaughan 4.0 - Nivel Intermedio:
Aqui os dejo el fantástico curso de inglés de Vaughan. Personalmente lo estoy siguiendo y me va perfecto (voy por la clase 40). Eso si con muchas ganas porque es largo pero divertido si quieres! Fuente :
etiquetas: curso, ingles, vaughan, intermedio

Curso de Ingles - Vaughan 4.0 - Nivel Avanzado:
Aqui os dejo el fantástico curso de inglés de Vaughan. Personalmente lo estoy siguiendo y me va perfecto (voy por la clase 40). Eso si con muchas ganas porque es largo pero divertido si quieres! Fuente:
etiquetas: curso, ingles, vaughan, avanzado

todo el curso completo para seedear info_hash: 870ea416f40466f6e53fe2e4ec2b76c5a194900f solo tienen que agregar el numero de info_hash: a su cliente bittorrent favorito y empezar a compartir!!

26 sept 2012

#WhatsApp coacciona a los creadores de WhatsAPI (API alternativa OpenSource)

WhatsApp coacciona a los creadores de WhatsAPI (API alternativa OpenSource):
Una de las cosas que siempre se ha echado a faltar en WhatsApp es la posibilidad de usarlo fuera del móvil. Existen formas de usarlo en un PC mediante el emulador de Android pero eso, aparte de ser farragoso, impide ir un poco mas allá y poder usarlo por ejemplo vía web.

WhatsApp, lejos de liberar una API pública e incentivar a los desarrolladores a crear aplicaciones basadas en su plataforma, siempre se ha mostrado muy hostil con esa clase de iniciativas. Amén de que va introduciendo cambios en su plataforma de forma improvisada y sobre la marcha, como si de Rajoy se tratase.

Pese a eso, algunas personas, mediante ingeniería inversa, han conseguido saber como funciona internamente whatsApp e incluso desvelado muchas de sus miserias, como publicábamos hace poco aquí.

En base a ese trabajo de ingeniería inversa se ha publicado una API alternativa para poder usar WhatsApp desde los lenguajes de programación PHP y Python que abre la puerta hacia aplicaciones web, clientes alternativos de escritorio, y un sin fin de posibilidades. Su nombre: WhatsAPI

¿Problema? Eso a WhatsApp no le ha hecho ninguna gracia y ha lanzado su equipo legal contra los creadores, de hecho, a día de hoy han bloqueado el acceso al código fuente de las librerías

Al final, hacer eso, es poner puertas al campo, la API ya ha sido publicada, es fácilmente replicable y esa acción no va a detener algo que ya está en marcha.

En vez de eso, bien haría WhatsApp en no ver eso como una amenaza sino como una demanda, una necesidad, y dar respuesta oficialmente lanzando su propia API, incluso fichando a los creadores de WhatsAPI y colaborando a que su negocio crezca y se use más de lo que ahora mismo se está usando, ¿O acaso ese no es el objetivo de toda empresa?

UPDATE: Cómo conseguir el código (by Mario Vilas): Si haces git clone del repo puedes acceder a los commits anteriores. No
quitaron el codigo, solo hicieron un commit para borrar los archivos, así que es cuestión de clonar el repo y volver atrás el ultimo commit

Enlaces de la SECmana - 141 #cuevana

Enlaces de la SECmana - 141:

Ubuntu Peronista:Huayra Linux, conectando soberanía tecnológica

Blog: Ubuntu Peronista
Entrada: Huayra Linux, conectando soberania Enlace:

22 sept 2012

sources. todo sobre los tags en las peliculas

Original Sources CAM - A cam is a theater rip usually done with a digital video camera. A mini tripod is sometimes used, but a lot of the time this wont be possible, so the camera make shake. Also seating placement isn't always idle, and it might be filmed from an angle. If cropped properly, this is hard to tell unless there's text on the screen, but a lot of times these are left with triangular borders on the top and bottom of the screen. Sound is taken from the onboard microphone of the camera, and especially in comedies, laughter can often be heard during the film. Due to these factors picture and sound quality are usually quite poor, but sometimes we're lucky, and the theater will be fairly empty and a fairly clear signal will be heard. TELESYNC (TS) - A telesync is the same spec as a CAM except it uses an external audio source (most likely an audio jack in the chair for hard of hearing people). A direct audio source does not ensure a good quality audio source, as a lot of background noise can interfere. A lot of the times a telesync is filmed in an empty cinema or from the projection booth with a professional camera, giving a better picture quality. Quality ranges drastically, check the sample before downloading the full release. A high percentage of Telesyncs are CAMs that have been mislabeled. TELECINE (TC) - A telecine machine copies the film digitally from the reels. Sound and picture should be very good, but due to the equipment involved and cost telecines are fairly uncommon. Generally the film will be in correct aspect ratio, although 4:3 telecines have existed. A great example is the JURASSIC PARK 3 TC done last year. TC should not be confused with TimeCode , which is a visible counter on screen throughout the film. SCREENER (SCR) - A pre VHS tape, sent to rental stores, and various other places for promotional use. A screener is supplied on a VHS tape, and is usually in a 4:3 (full screen) a/r, although letterboxed screeners are sometimes found. The main draw back is a "ticker" (a message that scrolls past at the bottom of the screen, with the copyright and anti-copy telephone number). Also, if the tape contains any serial numbers, or any other markings that could lead to the source of the tape, these will have to be blocked, usually with a black mark over the section. This is sometimes only for a few seconds, but unfortunately on some copies this will last for the entire film, and some can be quite big. Depending on the equipment used, screener quality can range from excellent if done from a MASTER copy, to very poor if done on an old VHS recorder thru poor capture equipment on a copied tape. Most screeners are transferred to VCD, but a few attempts at SVCD have occurred, some looking better than others. DVD-SCREENER (DVDscr) -Same premise as a screener, but transferred off a DVD. Usually letterbox , but without the extras that a DVD retail would contain. The ticker is not usually in the black bars, and will disrupt the viewing. If the ripper has any skill, a DVDscr should be very good. Usually transferred to SVCD or DivX/XviD. DVDRip - A copy of the final released DVD. If possible this is released PRE retail (for example, Star Wars episode 2) again, should be excellent quality. DVDrips are released in SVCD and DivX/XviD. VHSRip -Transferred off a retail VHS, mainly skating/sports videos and XXX releases. TVRip -TV episode that is either from Network (capped using digital cable/satellite boxes are preferable) or PRE-AIR from satellite feeds sending the program around to networks a few days earlier (do not contain "dogs" but sometimes have flickers etc) Some programs such as WWF Raw Is War contain extra parts, and the "dark matches" and camera/commentary tests are included on the rips. PDTV is capped from a digital TV PCI card, generally giving the best results, and groups tend to release in SVCD for these. VCD/SVCD/DivX/XviD rips are all supported by the TV scene. WORKPRINT (WP) -A workprint is a copy of the film that has not been finished. It can be missing scenes, music, and quality can range from excellent to very poor. Some WPs are very different from the final print (Men In Black is missing all the aliens, and has actors in their places) and others can contain extra scenes (Jay and Silent Bob) . WPs can be nice additions to the collection once a good quality final has been obtained. DivX Re-Enc -A DivX re-enc is a film that has been taken from its original VCD source, and re-encoded into a small DivX file. Most commonly found on file sharers, these are usually labeled something like Film.Name.Group(1of2) etc. Common groups are SMR and TND. These aren't really worth downloading, unless you're that unsure about a film u only want a 200mb copy of it. Generally avoid. Watermarks - A lot of films come from Asian Silvers/PDVD (see below) and these are tagged by the people responsible. Usually with a letter/initials or a little logo, generally in one of the corners. Most famous are the "Z" "A" and "Globe" watermarks. Asian Silvers / PDVD - These are films put out by eastern bootleggers, and these are usually bought by some groups to put out as their own. Silvers are very cheap and easily available in a lot of countries, and its easy to put out a release, which is why there are so many in the scene at the moment, mainly from smaller groups who don't last more than a few releases. PDVDs are the same thing pressed onto a DVD. They have removable subtitles, and the quality is usually better than the silvers. These are ripped like a normal DVD, but usually released as VCD. Formats VCD - VCD is an mpeg1 based format, with a constant bitrate of 1150kbit at a resolution of 352x240 (NTCS). VCDs are generally used for lower quality transfers (CAM/TS/TC/Screener(VHS)/TVrip(analogue) in order to make smaller file sizes, and fit as much on a single disc as possible. Both VCDs and SVCDs are timed in minutes, rather than MB, so when looking at an mpeg, it may appear larger than the disc capacity, and in reality u can fit 74min on a CDR74. SVCD - SVCD is an mpeg2 based (same as DVD) which allows variable bit-rates of up to 2500kbits at a resolution of 480x480 (NTSC) which is then decompressed into a 4:3 aspect ratio when played back. Due to the variable bit-rate, the length you can fit on a single CDR is not fixed, but generally between 35-60 Mins are the most common. To get a better SVCD encode using variable bit-rates, it is important to use multiple "passes". this takes a lot longer, but the results are far clearer. XVCD/XSVCD - These are basically VCD/SVCD that don't obey the "rules". They are both capable of much higher resolutions and bit-rates, but it all depends on the player to whether the disc can be played. X(S)VCD are total non-standards, and are usually for home-ripping by people who don't intend to release them. KVCD Thanks for lardo4life for the info KVCD is a modification to the standard MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 GOP structure and Quantization Matrix. It enables you to create over 120 minutes of near DVD quality video, depending on your material, on a single 80 minute CD-R/CD-RW. We have published these specifications as KVCDx3, our official resolution, which produce 528x480 (NTSC) and 528x576 (PAL) MPEG-1 variable bit rate video, from 64Kbps to 3,000Kbps. Using a resolution of 352x240 (NTSC) or 352x288 (PAL), it's possible to encode video up to ~360 minutes of near VCD quality on a single 80 minute CD-R. The mpeg files created will play back in most modern standalone DVD players. You must burn the KVCD MPEG files as non-standard VCD or non-standard SVCD (depends on your player) with Nero or VCDEasy. DivX / XviD - DivX is a format designed for multimedia platforms. It uses two codecs, one low motion, one high motion. most older films were encoded in low motion only, and they have problems with high motion too. A method known as SBC (Smart Bit-rate Control) was developed which switches codecs at the encoding stage, making a much better print. The format is Ana orphic and the bit-rate/resolution are interchangeable. Due to the higher processing power required, and the different codecs for playback, its unlikely we'll see a DVD player capable of play DivX for quite a while, if at all. There have been players in development which are supposedly capable, but nothing has ever arisen. The majority of PROPER DivX rips (not Re-Encs) are taken from DVDs, and generally up to 2hours in good quality is possible per disc. Various codecs exist, most popular being the original Divx3.11a and the new XviD codecs. CVD - CVD is a combination of VCD and SVCD formats, and is generally supported by a majority of DVD players. It supports MPEG2 bit-rates of SVCD, but uses a resolution of 352x480(ntsc) as the horizontal resolution is generally less important. Currently no groups release in CVD. DVD-R - Is the recordable DVD solution that seems to be the most popular (out of DVD-RAM, DVD-R and DVD+R). it holds 4.7gb of data per side, and double sided discs are available, so discs can hold nearly 10gb in some circumstances. SVCD mpeg2 images must be converted before they can be burnt to DVD-R and played successfully. DVD>DVDR copies are possible, but sometimes extras/languages have to be removed to stick within the available 4.7gb. MiniDVD - MiniDVD/cDVD is the same format as DVD but on a standard CDR/CDRW. Because of the high resolution/bit-rates, its only possible to fit about 18-21 mins of footage per disc, and the format is only compatible with a few players. Misc Info Regional Coding - This was designed to stop people buying American DVDs and watching them earlier in other countries, or for older films where world distribution is handled by different companies. A lot of players can either be hacked with a chip, or via a remote to disable this. RCE - RCE (Regional Coding Enhancement) was designed to overcome "Multiregion" players, but it had a lot of faults and was overcome. Very few titles are RCE encoded now, and it was very unpopular. Macrovision - Macrovision is the copy protection employed on most commercial DVDs. Its a system that will display lines and darken the images of copies that are made by sending the VHS signals it can't understand. Certain DVD players (for example the Dansai 852 from Tescos) have a secret menu where you can disable the macrovision, or a "video stabaliser" costs about 30UKP from Maplin ( NTSC/PAL - NTSC and PAL are the two main standards used across the world. NTSC has a higher frame rate than pal (29fps compared to 25fps) but PAL has an increased resolution, and gives off a generally sharper picture. Playing NTSC discs on PAL systems seems a lot easier than vice-versa, which is good news for the Brits An RGB enabled scart lead will play an NTSC picture in full colour on most modern tv sets, but to record this to a VHS tape, you will need to convert it to PAL50 (not PAL60 as the majority of DVD players do.) This is either achieved by an expensive converter box (in the regions of £200+) an onboard converter (such as the Dansai 852 / certain Daewoos / Samsung 709 ) or using a World Standards VCR which can record in any format. News Sites - There are generally 2 news sites for film release for p2p and they are: nforce - VCD Help Code: Code: About Release Files RARset - The movies are all supplied in RAR form, whether its v2 (rar>.rxx) or v3 (part01.rar > partxx.rar) form. BIN/CUE - VCD and SVCD films will extract to give a BIN/CUE. Load the .CUE into notepad and make sure the first line contains only a filename, and no path information. Then load the cue into Nero/CDRWin etc and this will burn the VCD/SVCD correctly. TV rips are released as MPEG. DivX files are just the plain DivX - .AVI NFO - An NFO file is supplied with each movie to promote the group, and give general iNFOrmation about the release, such as format, source, size, and any notes that may be of use. They are also used to recruit members and acquire hardware for the group. SFV - Also supplied for each disc is an SFV file. These are mainly used on site level to check each file has been uploaded correctly, but are also handy for people downloading to check they have all the files, and the CRC is correct. A program such as pdSFV or hkSFV is required to use these files. Usenet Information Access - To get onto newsgroups, you will need a news server. Most ISPs supply one, but this is usually of poor retention (the amount of time the files are on server for) and poor completition (the amount of files that make it there). For the best service, a premium news server should be paid for, and these will often have bandwidth restrictions in place. Software - You will need a newsreader to access the files in the binary newsgroups. There are many different readers, and its usually down to personal opinion which is best. Xnews / Forte Agent / BNR 1 / BNR 2 are amongst the popular choices. Outlook has the ability to read newsgroups, but its recommended to not use that. Format - Usenet posts are often the same as those listed on VCDQUALiTY (i.e., untouched group releases) but you have to check the filenames and the description to make sure you get what you think you are getting. Generally releases should come down in .RAR sets. Posts will usually take more than one day to be uploaded, and can be spread out as far as a week. PAR files - As well as the .rxx files, you will also see files listed as .pxx/.par . These are PARITY files. Parity files are common in usenet posts, as a lot of times, there will be at least one or two damaged files on some servers. A parity file can be used to replace ANY ONE file that is missing from the rar set. The more PAR files you have, the more files you can replace. You will need a program called SMARTPAR for this. Scene Tags PROPER - Due to scene rules, whoever releases the first Telesync has won that race (for example). But if the quality of that release is fairly poor, if another group has another telesync (or the same source in higher quality) then the tag PROPER is added to the folder to avoid being duped. PROPER is the most subjective tag in the scene, and a lot of people will generally argue whether the PROPER is better than the original release. A lot of groups release PROPERS just out of desperation due to losing the race. A reason for the PROPER should always be included in the NFO. SUBBED - In the case of a VCD, if a release is subbed, it usually means it has hard encoded subtitles burnt throughout the movie. These are generally in malaysian/chinese/thai etc, and sometimes there are two different languages, which can take up quite a large amount of the screen. SVCD supports switch able subtitles, so some DVDRips are released with switch able subs. This will be mentioned in the NFO file if included. UNSUBBED - When a film has had a subbed release in the past, an Unsubbed release may be released LIMITED - A limited movie means it has had a limited theater run, generally opening in less than 250 theaters, generally smaller films (such as art house films) are released as limited. INTERNAL - An internal release is done for several reasons. Classic DVD groups do a lot of .INTERNAL. releases, as they wont be dupe'd on it. Also lower quality theater rips are done INTERNAL so not to lower the reputation of the group, or due to the amount of rips done already. An INTERNAL release is available as normal on the groups affiliate sites, but they can't be traded to other sites without request from the site ops. Some INTERNAL releases still trickle down to IRC/Newsgroups, it usually depends on the title and the popularity. Earlier in the year people referred to Centropy going "internal". This meant the group were only releasing the movies to their members and site ops. This is in a different context to the usual definition. STV - Straight To Video. Was never released in theaters, and therefore a lot of sites do not allow these. OTHER TAGS - *WS* for widescreen (letterbox) *FS* for Fullscreen. RECODE - A recode is a previously released version, usually filtered through TMPGenc to remove subtitles, fix color etc. Whilst they can look better, its not looked upon highly as groups are expected to obtain their own sources. REPACK - If a group releases a bad rip, they will release a Repack which will fix the problems. NUKED - A film can be nuked for various reasons. Individual sites will nuke for breaking their rules (such as "No Telesyncs") but if the film has something extremely wrong with it (no soundtrack for 20mins, CD2 is incorrect film/game etc) then a global nuke will occur, and people trading it across sites will lose their credits. Nuked films can still reach other sources such as p2p/usenet, but its a good idea to check why it was nuked first in case. If a group realise there is something wrong, they can request a nuke. NUKE REASONS :: this is a list of common reasons a film can be nuked for (generally DVDRip) ** BAD A/R ** :: bad aspect ratio, ie people appear too fat/thin ** BAD IVTC ** :: bad inverse telecine. process of converting framerates was incorrect. ** INTERLACED ** :: black lines on movement as the field order is incorrect. DUPE - Dupe is quite simply, if something exists already, then theres no reason for it to exist again without proper reason.

PyCon Argentina 2012: Invitación al público

PyAr, el grupo de usuarios de Python de Argentina invita a toda la
comunidad de usuarios de Python y de Software Libre en general a la
Cuarta Conferencia Argentina de Python, a
realizarse en Buenos Aires del 12 al 17 de Noviembre de 2012.

En este evento nos juntaremos desarrolladores y programadores tanto
principiantes como avanzados; bloggers, autores y diseñadores web;
gerentes, administradores y emprendedores; científicos, ingenieros,
curiosos y todo aquel que tenga ganas de acercarse a la comunidad
Python en Argentina.

El cronograma completo de actividades se encuentra en:

No olviden Inscribirse por el sitio web (cupos limitados): (ver para información
sobre el bono contribución si están interesados en la remera,
articulos promocionales y participar de los eventos sociales:
recepción y fiesta de cierre).

Agradecemos la colaboración de todos en la difusión de este llamado y
del evento en si mediante los banners diseñados para tal fin y que se
encuentran en

Para más información ver:


Mariano Reingart
Coord. Gral. PyCon Argentina 2012

23 ago 2012

Taller: Bibliotecas, Wikipedia y Creative Commons – #Argentina

Taller: Bibliotecas, Wikipedia y Creative Commons – #Argentina:
El próximo sábado 1 de septiembre, Wikimedia Argentina, el capítulo local de la Fundación Wikimedia, y Creative Commons Argentina, organizan el taller “GLAM, Wikimedia y Creative Commons”, en su sede social en Ayacucho 132, a partir de las 10.30 hs.
El objetivo de este taller es dar a conocer de qué forma se pueden potenciar las instituciones culturales (galerías, bibliotecas, museos y archivos, también conocidas en inglés por el acrónimo GLAM) con Wikimedia y Creative Commons.
La modalidad conjugará charlas magistrales con talleres e intercambio de experiencias.
Estarán presentes Claudio Ruiz, co-director de Creative Commons para América Latina, quien charlará sobre cómo las licencias Creative Commons y las instituciones culturales pueden potenciarse a través de los proyectos Wikimedia – como Wikipedia -, y Roxana Donoso, jefa de Producción de Recursos de Información de la Biblioteca del Congreso Nacional de Chile, quien presentará la exitosa experiencia de la BCN que ha tenido con el “mundo wiki” en los últimos años. En este enlace puede encontrarse el cronograma de actividades.
El encuentro se realizará a partir de las 10:30 hrs del 1 de septiembre en la sede de Wikimedia Argentina, ubicada en Ayacucho 132, Ciudad de Buenos Aires.
Si desea participar en el evento, solicitamos registrarse aquí. El registro es a mero efecto de saber cuánta gente asistirá al evento, y de ningún modo se utilizarán esos datos personales para fines más allá del expuesto.

17 ago 2012

curso-ingles-bbc-english-plus-interactive [mp3][PDF][Video]

Se diferencia de no sólo por tener un título más chulo, sino por:

20 horas de vídeo incluyendo 117 lecciones con un profesor en castellano
14 horas de lecciones y ejerccicios MP3
300 lecciones en texto
2.300 ejercicios interactivos con función de audio
30 tests de auto-evaluación
2.000 palabras y expresiones idiomáticas en un vocabulario bilingüe con función de audio

link a la noticia

Cambridge Complete First Certificate FCE (2008) [PDF+MP3]

Cambridge Complete First Certificate FCE (2008) [PDF+MP3]:
El Cambridge FCE se corresponde con el Nivel B2 del Marco de Referencia Europeo. En este nivel de competencia, los candidatos deberán ser capaces de: Captar el mensaje esencial de textos con temas de carácter concreto y abstracto y participar activamente en una conversación técnica dentro de su campo de especialización. Comunicarse con suficiente espontaneidad y fluidez con hablantes nativos sin que la conversación involucre un esfuerzo para ninguna parte. Ser capaz de comentar noticias de actualidad.
etiquetas: cambridge, fce, exams, tests, audio

» noticia original